The Patient Controlled Analgesia devicePCA

The Patient Controlled Analgesia devicePCA
The Patient Controlled Analgesia devicePCA
 "I Don't want to feel any pain after the bariatric surgery "
This is how the dialogue begins in many cases of obese patients with Dr. Ahmed El-Masry. Who wants to be in pain?!
In fact, medicine, especially bariatric surgery branch, develops dramatically and always gives us more and everything that impresses us and provides comfort to patients.
-The self-pain relief device or PCA is one of these innovative techniques that contribute to the comfort and peace of obese patients after bariatric operations and avoid their pain completely.

So what is a PCA device?

It is a device that allows the patient to control the intake of pain killers to himself through the pressure of a button. It is a small device installed in the canula after the bariatric surgeries, and it lasts for two or three days at the most.

The Patient Controlled Analgesia PCA offers several benefits including:

1-The patient's reassurance even before entering the operation, as he will not feel pain.
2-After the operation, the device electronically downloads accurate quantities of the analgesic described by the doctor by weight, length and condition of the patient.
3-The patient can get an additional dose of the analgesic within the allowed limits and programmed in advance, simply and easily by pressing the button.
4-The patient does not feel pain completely during the recovery period after the operation.

And here we come to an important question: are bariatric surgeries painful?

Dr. Ahmed El-Masry answers that bariatric surgeries is not done with traditional open surgery, but is done by laparoscopy.
It provides many advantages for the obese patient, the most important of which is the lack of pain due to the completion of the operation through very small surgical openings.

The Laparoscope also offers many other features such as:

1-Best results due to magnification of the Laparoscope.
2-Better cosmetic outcome as a result of small surgical openings.
3-One day stay at the hospital.
4-A quick recovery period and a return to normal life in a few days.

Watch this video by Dr. Ahmed Al-Masry for PCA device: